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Harbaugh Calls Out Saban Over Satellite Camps


Nick Saban, along with much of the SEC, has been outspoken against the concept of satellite camps.

Saban went on another rant Tuesday during the SEC Spring Meetings about the process of college coaches attending summer camps away from their own campus.

Saban’s biggest issue centered on compliance questions that surround these camps.

“I don’t know how much it benefits anybody because all the people that say this is creating opportunities for kids, this is all about recruiting,” Saban said. “That’s what it’s about. Anybody that tells you that. What’s amazing to me is somebody didn’t stand up and say here’s going to be the unintended consequences of what you all are doing.

“I go to a camp and I’m talking to some guy I don’t know from Adam’s housecat and he’s representing some kid because he put the camp on, and then I’m in trouble for talking to this guy? And who even knows if the guy paid to go to the camp. Is the NCAA going to do that? I mean, we do that at our camp. We have people responsible. They’re called compliance folks. What kind of compliance people do we have at these camps?…I’m not blaming Jim Harbaugh, I’m not saying anything about him. I’m just saying it’s bad for college football. Jim Harbaugh can do whatever he wants to do. I’m not saying anything bad about him if he thinks that’s what’s best.

Harbaugh, as only he can, had a response to Saban via Twitter.

Harbaugh is referring to former Alabama defensive line coach Bo Davis, who Saban parted ways with in April amidst allegations of recruiting violations.

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