“Who was punting yesterday? Field position is so important & I feel that position is being overlooked.” – Sean Reed
Daniel: Walk-on Trevor Daniel seems to be the top on-campus name right now. Butch Jones mentioned him in his pre-spring presser and I spoke to Matt Darr after Pro Day yesterday, and that was the name he brought up as well. I’ve seen him punt in the past and he’s inconsistent, but he’s a big kid that has a strong leg.
There are some other walk-on options, and kicker George Bullock is getting a look as well. But my best guess is that it’ll be Daniel and incoming freshman Tommy Townsend battling it out come fall camp.
“Rank your top 5 Lady Vols B-Ball players, From skills, play and looks. Could you score 2 point against one of them in a game?” – @QDawgVolsFan
Houston: In no particular order.
Candace Parker: Duh. I secretly dated her in college. (Don’t tell Sheldon, pls.)
Shanna Zolman: Great person, great shooter and does a lot of work with FCA.
Kelly Jolly: Lights out from 3, another great person and really good coach.
Taber Spani: Great shooter and is an absolute gem of a human being.
Isabelle Harrison: She was carrying the Lady Vols to the final four before her knee injury a few weeks ago. She’s an outstanding player and a great person. She’s also dating Jarnell Stokes if I’m not mistaken, so that’s worth something.
This team (all in their prime) could win a national championship with ease, in my opinion. They could beat you from any spot on the court. And yes, I could score a bucket here and there. I’m a really good shooter when I’m shooting good.
Reed: Candace Parker, Candace Parker, Candace Parker, Candace Parker and Candace Parker.
Bob: In this order: Tamika Catchings (baller, class act), Kara Lawson (baller who can broadcast like a boss!), Ace Clement (had game, in more ways than one!), Candace Parker (how can she NOT be on a list like this?!?), and Brittany Jackson (that FHM spread a few years back was a queen-maker for Brit in my book!). And yes, I could score 2 points against one of them in a game, because I did! I remember it vividly. Pickup game with Kara Lawson. I scored, and made sure I shouted an “AND ONE” as my shot went down, although in hindsight, I don’t really believe there was much contact between me and Kara there. Actually, let’s move on…..I’m a little embarrassed about that “AND ONE”
@rockytopinsider what is your favorite movie that would be a guilty pleasure or that you are ashamed that you love? pic.twitter.com/nDXpjOP4eR
— Blake Richmond
(@richmond_325) March 24, 2015
Daniel: I’m actually in the same boat as what Bob says below with Love Actually. It’s a Christmas tradition for my wife to watch it, and after seeing it a couple times, I started to like it. In general, growing up with two older sisters and now being married, I’ve been exposed to a lot of less-than-manly films and I’ll find myself liking some of them more than I should.
Houston: Crazy Stupid Love is really good. Anything with Steven Seagal is a must-watch. 10 Things I Hate About You and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days are both insanely good.
I can’t believe I just told you that.
Kevin: I’ve seen Pitch Perfect probably 10 times, and I will be pre-ordering my tickets to Pitch Perfect 2 as soon as i’m allowed to do so. Don’t you dare judge me unless you’ve seen the movie either, I won’t hear it.
Reed: Not gonna lie, I have a special affinity for chick flicks AND musicals. Giant fan of Phantom of the Opera with Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum. Notting Hill is also embarrassingly up there. Perhaps most embarrassing? The Notebook. Yep. I’m a big ole softy at heart.
Bob: It’s a two-parter for me. Guilty pleasure, without a doubt, is Boogie Nights. LOVE that film! Matter of fact, I can say with confidence that I have about 75% of the lines in that movie committed to memory. The one I’m ashamed of…that’s easy too. Love Actually. It’s a new Christmas tradition for me and my wife to watch that beauty, and you know what? I like it! And don’t even get me started on 27 Dresses!
“Who would win in a fight between Butch & Donnie?” – Blake Tucker
Daniel: I normally lean to the side of the football guy because I think, generally, they are tougher, but I think we all know deep down who would win this one. And he’s walking out like this after he’s done taking care of that Michigan-on-Michigan crime:
#Vol fans in Nashville walking into work this morning like…https://t.co/APzlqw46DP
— Rocky Top Insider (@rockytopinsider) March 13, 2015
Kevin: Butch Jones would button that shirt up all the way and go show somebody what a former high school band member does to people when they question his toughness. I’ll take Butch here but the real story would be the press conference CBJ held before and after the fight.
Reporter: Butch you can speak on your preparation for the fight?
Butch Jones: “I, myself, as an individual put forth tremendous individual disciple in preparation for this fight. In my house we have what’s called the A,B,C’s of fighting Donnie Tyndall, the A is for A$$ kicking skills, the B is for ballsy-ness, and the C is for character, because that’s the foundation of the individual that is Butch Jones.”
Reporter finds a job selling insurance with an uncle.
Reed: Donnie Tyndall and it’s not even close for me. Butch Jones would be too worried about tearing one of those balling sports coats he wears – Donnie cares not about such things. Plus, I’ve seen his scouting reports. They’re extremely detailed. He’d know exactly how to attack Butch Jones.
Bob: I’d take DT in that one, any day, any time. By watching him on the sidelines this season, I sense a little bit of crazy-ass rage in Donnie, a la Joe Pesci in Goodfellas and Casino. BTW, if it could’ve happened, I bet Donnie would’ve killed Dooley if they ever threw down. I mean, literally…dead.
Kevin: Plausible deniability Carter, plus I think I read once that Disney parking lot attendants have one single hand gesture they can use to direct cars, because almost every hand gesture is offensive in one country or another. If Tennessee wins a conference title in the next year or two he could instruct the whole team to fly the bird at every camera in the locker room and nothing would happen, for what it’s worth.
Reed: Yea…they know and it’s not going away.
“So on a trip to New Orleans last year I stopped at Dreamland BBQ in the wasteland of BBQ that is Alabama to try the “famous” ribs all the gumps rave about. I actually had some decent expectations but they were quickly extinguished with literally the worst plate of undercooked garbage I’ve ever had. (seriously they made Chilis look like a KCBS competition team). I’ve had similar let downs in Cincinnati where I was told I had to try the Chili which I would not serve to inmates. By contrast the Flagler County Fish Market outside of Gainesville is an outstanding little haunt.
“As travelers around SEC country which are your favorite and least favorite places to grab a bite to eat when there are away games?” – @HippieH8er
Daniel: I will actually stick up for Dreamland from my experiences. I normally go in Birmingham (believe the original is in Tuscaloosa) and I enjoy their ribs, sides and banana pudding. And you have to love that they just drop a loaf of plain white bread on the table for an appetizer. Simple, but dip it in some BBQ sauce, and it gets the job done.
I try to hit up SATCO (San Antonio Taco Company) in Nashville when possible. On the way to Mizzou I try to drop by Lambert’s because having hot rolls thrown at me is part of my definition of heaven. Unfortunately, due to work obligations, a lot of my one-day trips consist of a mediocre media buffet and Wendy’s/Chik-fil-A on the way home, so I probably don’t have the expertise that some of these other high rollers do.
Kevin: All of my SEC road trips occurred while I was in college, so I’ve basically sampled the fast food in most college towns in the conference and they all left me feeling disgusting, but still empty on the inside. Exactly the way I like it.
Reed: There aren’t any great food trips among Tennessee’s regular SEC foes. I never stay in Lexington long enough to eat because I quickly get sick of the Hoth like conditions. Tuscaloosa? Not a fan of road kill. Gainesville has a couple decent spots. But by far, my favorite SEC food resides in Columbia, South Carolina. Garibaldi’s whole, crispy flounder is gloriously good. If you’re ever in Columbia, get it. It won’t let you down.